CDR Sample For Electrical Engineer

CDR Report Samples Approved By Engineers Australia

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Electrical Engineer ANZSCO 233311

CDR Sample for Electrical Engineer

CDR sample for Electrical Engineer

CDR Sample: Electrical Engineer ANZSCO Code: 233311

The CDR Sample for Electrical Engineers includes all the necessary reports, such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development Writing, and a Curriculum Vitae Summary Statement. The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:

  • Curriculum Vitae: Resume based on a professional template.
  • Continuing Professional Development Sample: The CPD sample clearly explains the author’s engineering knowledge Knowledge- 1000 words.
  • Electrical Engineer Career Episode Sample 1: Mathematical Modeling and Design of  IGC” (1985 words).
  • Electrical Engineer Career Episode Sample 2: “Design of hybrid PV and Wind Generation system ”(2000 words).
  • Electrical Engineer Career Episode Sample 3: “Wireless Pick and Place Robotic Arm”- (1700 words).
  • Electrical Engineer Summary Statement Sample: A detailed explanation of all the competency elements (1120 words)

The CDR Sample for Electrical Engineers incorporates all the required reports, such as a Resume or Curriculum vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development(CPD), 3 Career Episodes(CE), and a Summary Statement. The CDR Report Samples contain the following contents:

An excellent resume or CV for Engineers Australia Assessment depends on a professional template.

The CPD for Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment illuminates the engineering knowledge of the applicant. It should be around 250 words. The documents show how the applicant has developed their career to the point that they need to be assessed by Engineers Australia for Skill Assessment in the desirable engineering occupation.

Engineers must submit 3 career episodes reflecting their work during their study or work.

Electrical Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 1

Project Name: Mathematical Modelling and Design of IGC

In the first career episode, the author describes the project he carried out for the partial fulfillment of his Bachelor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power and Control). The project’s name was “Mathematical Modeling and Design of IGC”. The responsibilities of the author were:

To opt the proper elements needed for the IGC system
To design the system’s schematic block diagram
To collect the various components with respective to the block diagram
To compare the lab made-up IGC system with commercially available IGC systems
To evaluate the made-up IGC system performance

Electrical Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 2

Project Name: Design of hybrid PV and Wind Generation system

In the second Career Episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used in the project he carried out for the award of a Masters in Power System and its Automation. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Design of Hybrid PV and Wind Generation System” were:

To assemble numerous hardware and software components for the design and simulation of the project
To design the model and simulate PV system
To make and simulate Wind Turbine system
To use and maintain battery for storage of energy
To produce PV system with PI controller
To design experimental setup and examine the fabricated hybrid system performance

Electrical Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 3

Project Name: Wireless Pick and Place Robotic Arm

In the third Career Episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used in the project he was involved in as a senior student. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Wireless Pick and Place Robotic Arm” were:

To conduct the survey on the elements utilized for the robotic arm, the programming ways, etc.
To code properly in Visual C# which was part of programming of the project
To design an appropriate circuit of microcontroller for interfacing with the RF unit and PC
To design and build the part of mechanical of the project
To conduct the cost analysis of the elements and labor costs of the project

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