CDR Sample For Electrical Engineering Draftsperson

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Electrical Engineering Draftsperson ANZSCO 312311

CDR Sample for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson

CDR sample for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson

CDR Report Sample: Electrical Engineering Draftsperson ANZSCO Code: 312311

The CDR Sample for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson includes all the necessary reports, such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development Writing, and a Curriculum Vitae Summary Statement. The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:

  • Curriculum Vitae: Resume based on a professional template.
  • Continuing Professional Development Sample: The CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s engineering knowledge (1000 words).
  • Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode sample 1: “New Handheld Emissions Detector for Pinpointing the Location of Inadvertently Energized Objects in Urban Environments” (1850 words).
  • Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 2: “A Framework for Determining the Reliability of Nanoscale Metallic Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Devices” (1700 words).
  • Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Sample 3: “Design, Manufacturing, and Assembly of a Flexible Thermoelectric Device” (2100 words).
  • Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Summary Statement Sample: A detailed explanation of all the competency elements (1500 words).

The CDR Sample for Electrical Engineering Draftsperson incorporates all the required reports, such as a Resume or Curriculum vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development(CPD), 3 Career Episodes(CE), and a Summary Statement. The CDR Report Samples contain the following contents:

An excellent resume or CV for Engineers Australia Assessment depends on a professional template.

The CPD for Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment illuminates the engineering knowledge of the applicant. It should be around 250 words. The documents show how the applicant has developed their career to the point that they need to be assessed by Engineers Australia for Skill Assessment in the desirable engineering occupation.

Engineers must submit 3 career episodes reflecting their work during their study or work.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Report: Sample 1

Project Name:New Handheld Emissions Detector for Pinpointing the Location of Inadvertently Energized Objects in Urban Environments

In the first career episode, the author describes the project he did in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Technology. The project’s name was “New Handheld Emissions Detector for Pinpointing the Location of Inadvertently Energized Objects in Urban Environments”. The responsibilities of the author were:

To pinpoint the location and further analyzes the emissions to determine the likely cause of the shock hazard.
To advance detection technology and create a more capable, production-ready unit.
To estimate cost savings for a contact voltage detector can be using projected variables, such as the number of objects being probed for contact identification.
To determine the existence of an energized object within a certain radius.
To design the handheld detector to detect two additional conditions: arcing, and false positives—created by an electronic source such as switch-mode power supplies for neon signs.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Report: Sample 2

Project Name: A Framework for Determining the Reliability of Nanoscale Metallic Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Devices

In the second Career Episode, the writer explains the engineering skills he used in the project he was involved in for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering. His duties and responsibilities in the project “A Framework for Determining the Reliability of Nanoscale Metallic Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Devices” were:

To construct a reliability framework for nanoscale dielectric films used in Metallic Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) devices.
To characterize and model reliability of recently developed gate dielectrics of Si-MOS devices.
To identify the failure mechanisms of Si-based high-k gates (stress, material, environmental).
To develop a 3-D failure simulation as a way to acquire simulated failure data.
To identify the dielectric failure probability structure using both kernel estimation and nonparametric Bayesian schemes.

Electrical Engineering Draftsperson Career Episode Report: Sample 3

Project Name:Design, Manufacturing and Assembly of a Flexible Thermoelectric Device

In the third Career Episode, the author demonstrates the technical skills he used to complete the project he was involved in as an assignment project during his university study. The project was “Design, Manufacturing, and Assembly of a Flexible Thermoelectric Device”. The key responsibility of the writer was:

To design a flexible (bending diameter of 2 inches about a single axis) and wearable (currently as a scientific instrument but with future alternatives as an accessory or integrated into apparel) thermoelectric device (TED) that can achieve a 15 °F temperature change within 10 seconds at different longitudinal sections of the human to device interface.
To develop dimensional heat transfer model to estimate performance.
To assemble thermoelectric elements were manually.
To produce and test a full scale device to assess its thermoelectric behavior.
To study the human perception of multiple dynamic temperature inputs over small and large areas of the body with the help of thermoelectric device

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