CDR Sample For Engineering Professionals (nec)

CDR Report Samples Approved By Engineers Australia

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Engineering Professionals (NEC): ANZSCO 233999

CDR Sample for Engineering Professionals (nec)

CDR sample for Engineering Professional (nec)

CDR Sample: Engineering Professionals (NEC) ANZSCO Code: 233999

The CDR Sample for Engineering Professionals (NEC) includes all the necessary reports, such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development Writing, and a Curriculum Vitae Summary Statement. The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:

  • Curriculum Vitae: Resume based on a professional template.
  • Continuing Professional Development Sample: The CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s engineering knowledge (1000 words).
  • Engineering Professional (NEC) Career Episode Sample 1: “Characterization of casting defects in DC cast magnesium alloys” (2500 words).
  • Engineering Professional (NEC) Career Episode Sample 2: “Development of High-Strength Al-Mg2SiMg-Based Alloy for High-Pressure Diecasting Process” (3000 words).
  • Engineering Professional (NEC) Career Episode Sample 3: “A cost-effective, mobile platform-based, photogrammetric approach for continuous structural deformation monitoring” (2050 words).
  • Engineering Professional (NEC) Summary Statement Sample: A detailed explanation of all the competency elements (2500 words).

The CDR Sample for Engineering Professionals (nec) incorporates all the required reports, such as a Resume or Curriculum vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development(CPD), 3 Career Episodes (CE), and a Summary Statement. The CDR Report Samples contain the following contents:

An excellent resume or CV for Engineers Australia Assessment depends on a professional template.

The CPD for Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment illuminates the engineering knowledge of the applicant. It should be around 250 words. The documents show how the applicant has developed their career to the point that they need to be assessed by Engineers Australia for Skill Assessment in the desirable engineering occupation.

Engineers must submit 3 career episodes reflecting their work during their study or work.

Engineering Professionals (NEC) Career Episode Report: Sample 1

Project Name: Characterization of casting defects in DC cast magnesium alloys

In the first career episode, the author describes the project he completed for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. The project’s name was “Characterisation of casting defects in DC cast magnesium alloys”. The responsibilities of the author were:

To to enable the reliable production of high quality magnesium alloy forging feedstock by DC casting without incurring any additional costs than at present
To develop a casting process for the production of such material
To establish a reliable inspection technique suitable for the demands of industry
To propose strategies to reduce the occurrence of unacceptable sized defects during production by DC casting
To understand the ability of the ultrasonic equipment to locate defects and provide an assessment of the quality of the billet

Engineering Professionals (NEC) Career Episode Report: Sample 2

Project Name: Development of High Strength Al-Mg2SiMg Based Alloy for High Pressure Diecasting Process

In the second Career Episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used in the project named “Development of High Strength Al-Mg2SiMg Based Alloy for High Pressure Diecasting Process”. His duties and responsibilities in the project were:

To study the effect of excess Mg additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg2Si alloys and to understand the relationship between solidification, microstructure and the resultant mechanical properties.
To optimize the composition of Al-Mg2Si-Mg alloys, which are capable of providing high strength with reasonable ductility.
To study the effect of manganese addition in the Al-Mg2Si-Mg alloy, which can improve the alloy strength without significantly decreasing the ductility
To study the effect of alloying elements including Zn and Cu on the solidification, microstructural evolution and the mechanical properties of Al-Mg2Si-Mg based alloys.
To study the effect of impurity elements, Fe in particular, on the microstructure and mechanical properties and to understand the solidification process and microstructural evolution of the alloys at different levels of impurity, as well as optimising the tolerable limit for the impurity elements.
To study the effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the alloy, in which the effect of the solution treatment and ageing treatment on the micro-structure and the mechanical properties is focused.

Engineering Professionals (NEC) Career Episode Report: Sample 3

Project Name: A cost-effective, mobile platform-based, photogrammetric approach for continuous structural deformation monitoring

In the third Career Episode, the author explains the thesis he was involved in and submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The project name was “A cost-effective, mobile platform-based, photogrammetric approach for continuous structural deformation monitoring”. His Key responsibilities in this project were:

To understand the most commonly used structural monitoring measurements in civil engineering and to identify the requirements for a photogrammetric system which could be deployed as a long-term structural monitoring solution.
To propose a low cost, in-situ photogrammetric monitoring system based on off-the-shelf mobile technology to meet the requirements of a variety of structural monitoring applications.
To comprehensively implement and test the necessary requirements and functions which were proposed in objective 2, on a mobile platform
To prove the capability of the mobile photogrammetric solution to ensure the performance of the system is capable of long-term structural monitoring proposes.
To develop a precise SHM system with relatively low budgeted spending.

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